Member’s action 2017: we need you out


On the morning of December 16th we delivered the last of our appearances in 2017. A special occasion indeed, being the first edition of our newly launched Member’s Action which moreover allowed us to close out the year in the same kind of scenery where we had opened it up: a penitentiary facility. This time the audience wasn’t as large as in Alcalá Meco: some fifteen inmates from diferent modules in Navalcarnero prison.

An action fully aligned with our nature as an association, made possible thanks to the work carried out on a daily basis by Solidarios para el desarrollo and funded through our membership annual fee ( Hopefully more and more people will join us every year, which would allow us to multiply this kind of action and thus reach all those in need. We deeply regret the lack or even the total absence of resources allocated to this kind of actions, since we believe that ideologies always rest on budgets: the way you use your money tells what you really believe in.

We are convinced that a life holds various lives inside it, and that deprivation of liberty must always be temporary; a spell of time made to serve a sentence but above all to work for rehabilitation and the future reinsertion of every person. With the due respect and empathy with the details in every particular case, their imprisonment was no doubt necessary; but in the same way and with all that in mind, we surely need them outside. In their best and more humane version, that is. Not one of us can be expendable when it comes to building a better society, not even those who have been put away because of their actions against it.

They must know this; they need to start seeing themselves in a different way in order to be seen in a different way; believe in all this to start believing in themselves, so we all come to believe in them when time’s up for them to come out. That was our spirit when we went into Navalcarnero prison. And as it had happened in Alcalá Meco, given the reception and feedback we found in there, that spirit was even bigger when we came out.


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