Human resources are the biggest resource

randstad valores

De los pies a la cabeza made a big time debut in the highly recommended, prestigious ‘Randstadt Values’ program. In a two day span, Barcelona and Valencia took the chance to share our model of motivational conference as an inspiration for professional and customers of the company, always pushing for universal employability from the Human Resources field.

randstad valores

Human resources have always been the main resource. Fully plunged into the technological, artificial intelligence eye of the storm, the pulse of the companies will depend on their people, on how they are considered and the values they hold. Values can never be peripheral -they have always made the core of every place and its inhabitants. At the very Diagonal avenue in Barcelona, we shared the bill with the renowned communicator Álvaro González Lorda (@agalorda), someone who confirms the transforming power a face-to-face conversation may have. He delivered a brilliant conference based on the value of inspiration.

Cristóbal Colón, a real discoverer of new worlds, was our partner at the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía in Valencia. His figure and experiences rose even above the imposing stage. Cristóbal is Alpha and Omega in the change of social paradigm; in the last decades he may well have been the biggest believer in the idea of the human being as a resource and a provider of value. Back in the 80s he put up a entrepreneurial project along with 14 employees, all of them just out of mental hospitals (known as madhouses back in the day), to manufacture and sell yoghourt. He learned that he could get the best out of these persons by making them aware of their own value and thus allowing them to feel valuable.

Nowadays, a workforce of more than 300 employees (“190 of them already fully qualified and the others on their way to get their certificates, sooner or later”) make La Fageda the market leader with 80 million units sold per year, outclassing global empires the size of Danone.


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