From the very artistic and temperate hand of the Aragonese photographer Alfonso Reyes Luna, one of the founders of this Association, this collection of nearly twenty images has been created. The collection captures instants that are absolutely linked to the use of the hand by the human, as can be appreciated in the whole and in the six photographs chosen to illustrate this chapter of this dossier. Thought up to be observed and assimilated on their own, as well as becoming the banner and guide for motivational conferences where each image becomes one of the inspiring and contagious existential messages that live in the core of this movement and that can be shared and developed.

REYES“Footnotes is a photographic work that is born of the restless desire to show the capacity for adaptation and improvement of Javier Hernández in a world designed for people with arms… The inevitable first look at someone who does not have arms is to reflect and ask ourselves how it is possible for him to do this or that. Everything or practically everything. Our shame at the possibility of being discovered causes us to look away and pass by. We prefer to be politically correct and to pay the toll of continuing to be ignorant. We would even return the change if we were urged to. These images attempt to resolve all these questions in order to, once resolved, overcome them and the collective mentality that precedes them.

There is no comparison. Feet are the main characters of a piece of work that invites us to look at them as what they appear to be: the vital tools of one born armless. And as what they are: the earth connection of a person with an iron will that culminates in a head that cannot conceive the word ‘impossible’”, The creator of the collection explains.

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