from my feet to your mind

Live with your reality and not against it

Prepositions advocate and prejudice. Perhaps they ought to be learnt in a spiritual order rather than the traditional alphabetical one, although sometimes these will coincide. It is not the same to live with as to live against, neither ...

from my feet to your mind

Spend more time on the solution than on the problem

When Oriental or Native American wisdom speaks, it is convenient to pay attention. If both coincide in their thinking, then it is compulsory to stop and listen as we need to in this case. Both philosophies – which speak with ...

Focus on what you have

The headline is a false friend. You choose it because it wraps up the whole sense of the text but you know that it won’t do justice to the text until more lines have been read. And the worst of all, is that the reader can be dissuaded ...

from my feet to your mind

Why ‘From my feet to your mind’?

From My Feet to Your Mind is the association which has sprung from the events which have always been a way of life.  The name is not a coincidence as it never should be of course.  Here it refers to a journey which represents the ...

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