Common Goal: Mata scores a winner in solidarity

Juan Mata, the Manchester United and Spain star, is not the first pro footballer to engage with charities. But he well might be the first one to find the way to give shape to this well known motto about solidarity in our time: “Think ...

Luis Martin entrevista

“It’s not technology which dehumanizes us, but how we use it”

Since he was a child, Luis Martín (Zaragoza, 1990) couldn’t help the urgency to dismount his toys and go through their insides. The fun for him was not so much in playing but in understanding how they did function. And, if possible, ...


Member’s action 2017: we need you out

On the morning of December 16th we delivered the last of our appearances in 2017. A special occasion indeed, being the first edition of our newly launched Member’s Action which moreover allowed us to close out the year in the same kind ...

2+0+1+7 make for a 10 year

Only two weeks left to turn another page in the calendar, and barely a few hours for our last appearance in 2017 (in front of the inmates at Centro Penitenciario Navalcarnero, as voted by our member associates), it seems as good a time ...

“Nobody should believe himself better than the others, nor worse”

Football changed the life of Raúl Ruiz (Logroño, 1966), but not his essence. He was  a small time footballer turned star journalist, but remained the same: his work over more than 20 years proves it, always covering modest football, ...

Our president hosts the Queen Letizia Disability Prizes 2017

  Last Tuesday 21st November, 12:30 in the afternoon, a new edition of the annual Queen Letizia Prizes were awarded by the Real Patronato de la Discapacidad. The act took was held at El Pardo Palace in Madrid and 11 distintions ...

La Fageda: arguably, best yoghourts in the world

Please, give this text a chance… never mind it may seem of light digestion, given it tells a story about yoghourts. A product you can only find in Cataluña, mind you. But don’t fall into politics just yet… There’s an explanation for ...

alhambra nievas

“Rugby improves every life it touches”

Alhambra Nievas (Granada, 1983) has seen rugby change her life as much as three times. The first one when, after having tried different sports, she started to play it at the Universidad de Málaga, where she got a Telecommunications ...

randstad valores

Human resources are the biggest resource

De los pies a la cabeza made a big time debut in the highly recommended, prestigious ‘Randstadt Values’ program. In a two day span, Barcelona and Valencia took the chance to share our model of motivational conference as an inspiration ...


Knocking down walls, side by side with our members

Next 16th December De los Pies a la Cabeza will have the privilege to visit Madrid IV Penitentiary Facilities in Navalcarnero. There we will invite the inmates to join in a new edition of our motivational conference… although this time ...

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